Choregraphie par : Guylaine BOURDAGES
Description : 64 temps, 4 murs, Intermediaire, Mai 2016
Musique : We are Now par SHAKE SHAKE
Intro: 64 comptes
[1-8] LF Ball Change Cross, Full turn R finish weight RF, Rock Step LF to left, LF cross in front of RF, Point RF to R
&1 (Ball change) LF to Left (&), transfer weight on RF(1)
2-4 LF cross in front of RF (2), Full Turn right (finish with weight on RF) (3-4)
5-6 LF to left (5), recover weight on RF (6)
7-8 LF cross in front of RF (7), Point RF to right (8)
[9-16] RF cross behind LF, Point LF to left, LF cross in front of RF, Kick RF, Jazz Box & Cross Shuffle
1-2 RF cross behind LF (1), PG point to left (2)
3-4 LF cross in front of RF (3), Kick RF diagonal right forward (4)
5-6 RF cross in front of LF (5), LF back (6)
&7&8 RF to right (&), LF cross in front of RF (7), RF to right (&), LF cross in front of RF (8)
[17-24] RF to right, Hold, Behind , Side, Cross, RF to right (with toes turns to right, bend right knee), Twist right heel Out, In, and KICK RF diagonnal right Kick
1-2 RF to right (1), Hold (2)
3&4 LF cross behid RF (3), RF to right (&),LF cross in front of RF (4)
5-6 RF to right with toes to turn to right (5) Turn right heel to right (6) (lean to the right)
7-8 Turn right heel to left (7) (center your body back to the middle) & transfer weight on LF), Kick RF diagonal right forward (8)
[25-32] RF Cross behind LF, Hold, LF to Left, Cross Shuffle, Point LF to left, LF beside RF, Point RF to right, 1/4R hook
1-2 RF cross behind LF (1), Hold(2)
&3&4 LF to left (&), RF cross in front of LF (3), LF to left, RF cross in front of LF (4)
5-6 Point LF to left (5), LF beside RF (6)
7-8 Point RF to right (7), 1/4R, Hook RF in front of left leg(8)
[33-40] RF forward, LF Lock behind RF, Lock Step forward RLR, LF Rock Step forward, 1/2L LF forward, RF forward
1-2RF forward1), Lock LF behind RF (2)
3&4RF forward (3), Lock LF behind RF(&), RF forward(4)
5-6LF forward (5), recover weight on RF (6)
7-81/2L LF forward (7), RF forward (8)
[41-48] Rock Step LF forward, LF back 1/2R RF forward, LF forward, Spiral turn to right (full turn), Lock Step forward
1-2 LF forward (1), recover weight on RF (2)
3-4 LF back (3), 1/2R RF forward (4)
5-6 LF forward (5), Full turn right finishint RF cross in front og LF without weight on(6)
7&8 RF forward (7), Lock LF behind RF (&), RF forward (8)
[49-56] Point LF to left, Hold, LF beside RF, Point RF to Right, Hold, RF beside LF, Point LF to left, LF beside RF, Point RF to right, RF beside LF, RF kick Ball Step
1-2 Point LF to left (1), Hold (2)
&3-4 LF beside RF (&), Point RF to right (3), Hold (4)
&5 RF beside LF (&), Point LF to left (5)
&6 LF beside RF (6) Point RF to right (6)
7&8 Kick RF forward(7), Ball of RF to right (&), Cross LF in front of RF (8)
[57-64] 1-8: (Weight on Left foot) RF to right Tap Right Heel Twice (Up and Down), Transfer weight to Right (Tap Right Heel), Tap Left Heel, Transfer weight to Left (Tap Right Heel), RF Kick Ball Cross, RF to right , Touch LF beside RF
For the first 4 counts of the section 8… when you tap your heel , you have to keep the ball of your foot on the ground
1-2 (Weight on LF) RF to right, Tap twice right heel (1-2)
&3 Transfer weight on RF & Tap Right heel (&), Tap left heel (3)
&4 Transfer weight on LF & Tap left heel (&),Tap right heel flat (4)
5&6 Kick RF diagonal right forward (5), ball of RF to right (&), LF cross in front of RF(6)
7-8 RF to right (7), Touch LF beside RF (8)
Thank You to dance my choreographies:-) I am very grateful ! 🙂
Have FUN et Smile !
PS Thank You to Isabelle Pasche for the great music
Guylaine xx
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