Choregraphie par : Stefano CIACCIO
Description : 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Décembre 2016
Musique : She’s With Me par High Valley
Start dancing on Lyrics
Sez.1: Sailor step,sailor step turn,Rock heel over,Coaster step
1&2 sailor step R
3&4 sailor step turn L ¼
5-6 Rock R heel over (toe turned in), turn ¼ right and step L back (right toe turned out) (3:00)
7&8 Coaster step R
Sez. 2: Step,Turn,Stomp
1-2 step left step R
3-4 I go back to the L turn right ½ R
5-6 turn R (9:00)
7-8 stomp left stomp up right
Sez.3: Rock step,Coaster step,Sailor step,sailor step turn ¼
1-2 rock step forward right
3&4 Coaster step R
5&6 sailor step L
7&8 sailor step R turn ¼ right
Sez.4: Vaudeville L,Vaudeville R,Twice
1&2&3&4 Cross L over R, step R diagonally back, touch L heel forward, step L to side, cross R over L, step L diagonally back, touch R heel forward
5-6-7-8 Kick Ball Change L
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