Choregraphie par : Rachael McENANEY
Description : 64 temps, 4 murs, Novice, 2011
Musique : Make This Day par ZAC BROWN BAND
Count In: 32 counts from start of track – dance begins on vocals “passed out last night….”
Notes: There are 2 restarts in this dance occurring on 3rd wall and 8th wall.
A special thanks to Nicola Lafferty for suggesting this music.
[1 – 8] Touch R out in, R heel hook, R lock step fwd.
1, 2, 3, 4 Touch R toe out to R side (1), touch R toe next to L (2), touch R heel fwd (3), hook R heel in front of L shin (4) 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step fwd on R (1), step Lnext to & slightly behind R (2), step fwd on R (3), hold (4) 12.00
[9 – 16] Touch L out in, L heel hook, step fwd L, touch R, step back R, kick L
1, 2, 3, 4 Touch L toe out to L side (1), touch L toe next to R (2), touch L heel fwd (3), hook L heel in front of R shin (4) 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step fwd on L(5), touch R toe next to L(6), step back on R (7), kick L foot fwd (8) 12.00
[17 – 24] L coaster step, step fwd R, ¼ pivot turn L, cross R
1, 2, 3, 4 Step back on L (1), step R next to L (2), step wd on L (3), hold (4) 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step fwdon R (5), pivot ¼ turn L(6), cross R over L (7), hold (8) 9.00
Happens here on 3rd wall – after you make ¼ pivot on count 6 – instead of crossing R over you will touch R toe next to L ready to start again – Facing 3.00 when you restart. 3.00
[25 – 32] Step L, touch R in out in, step R touch L, step L touch R with claps
1, 2, 3, 4 Step L to L side (1), touch R toe next to L (2), touch R toe out to R side (3), touch R toe next to L (4) 9.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step R to R side (5), touch L next to R and clap hands (6), step L to L side (7), touch R next to L and clap hands (8) 9.00
Happens here at end of 8th wall. 8th wall begins facing 3.00 – when you finish the above 8 counts you will be facing 12.00 to restart. 12.00
[33 – 40] Side shuffle with ¼ turn R, step fwd L, ½ pivot R, step fwd L.
1, 2, 3, 4 Step R to R side (1),step L next to R (2), make ¼ turn R step fwd on R (3), hold (4) 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step fwd on left (5), pivot ½ turn right (6), step fwd on left (7), hold (8) 6.00
[41 – 48] Full turn L travelling fwd stepping RLR, L fwd rock, L back – R together (half a coaster step)
1, 2, 3, 4 Make ½ turn L stepping back on R (1), make ½ turn L stepping fwd on L (2), step fwd on R (3), hold (4)
Easy option: Walk fwd on right (1), walk fwd on left (2), walk fwd on right (3), hold (4) 6.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Rock fwd on L (5) recover weight onto R (6), step back on L (7), step R next to L (8) 6.00
[49 – 56] L toe strut, R toe strut, step fwd L, ¼ pivot R, cross L.
1, 2, 3, 4 Touch ball of leftLheel to floor taking weight (4) 6.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step fwd on left (5), pivot ¼ turn right (6), cross left over right (7), hold (8) 9.00
[57 – 64] Long weave to R: R side, L behind, R side, L in front, R side, L behind, R side, L together.
1, 2, 3, 4 Step R to R side (1),cross left behind R (2), step R to R side (3),cross L in front of R 9.00
5, 6, 7, 8 Step R to R side (5), cross L behind R (6), step R to R side (7), step L next to R (8) 9.00
Dance ends facing front on section 49-56 – make the ¼ turn on count 6 – then as you cross L over – spread arms out to side.
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