<strong>Choregraphie par :</strong> Tim Gauci (AUS)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Septembre 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> Still Gonna Be - Brandon Davis : (Album: iTunes Single) <strong>[1-8] SIDE, TOG, SIDE, TOG, ¼, FWD, ROCK, ½ TURN SHUFFLE</strong> 123&4 Step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R, step L next to R (&), making ¼ turn R step R fwd 3:00 567&8 Step L fwd, rock weight back onto R, making ½ turn L shuffle LRL 9:00 <strong>[9-16] FWD, ROCK, COASTER STEP, FWD, PADDLE ¼, CROSS SHUFFLE</strong> 123&4 Step R fwd, rock weight back onto L, step R back, step L next to R (&), step R fwd 9:00 567&8 Step L fwd, paddle turn ¼ R, cross shuffle L over (LRL) 12:00 <strong>[17-24] SIDE, TOG, BACK, TOUCH/POP/CLICK, FWD, ½, ½ SHUFFLE</strong> 1234 Step R to R, step L next to R, step R back, touch L next to R popping L knee clicking fingers at shoulder height 12:00 567&8 Step L fwd, making ½ turn L step R back, making ½ turn L shuffle LRL – alternatively walk fwd L, R, shuffle fwd LRL 12:00 <strong>[25-32] FWD, PADDLE ¼, CROSS SHUFFLE, FWD L45, ROCK, BACK, SIDE, CROSS</strong> 123&4 Step R fwd, paddle ¼ turn L, cross shuffle R over L 9:00 567&8 Step L fwd at L45, rock weight back onto R, step L back, step R to R straightening up to 9:00 wall (&), cross L over R 9:00 <strong>[32] Beats Repeat dance in new direction</strong> <strong>Restart on wall 3 facing 6:00 wall, dance up to beat 16 and restart dance from beginning facing 6:00.</strong> <strong>Dance finishes facing front 12:00.</strong> Enjoy