<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lilian Lo (HK)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 64 temps, 2 murs, Intermediaire/Avancé, Février 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Sure Had a Wonderful Time Last Night - Koko Taylor <strong>Intro: 16 counts</strong> <strong>S1 (1 – 8) Cross, Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ R, Forward, Forward, ½ R, ¼ R, Side</strong> 1 2 RF Cross over LF, LF sweep forward (1), LF cross over RF (2) 3 4 RF step to side (3), LF cross behind (4) 5 6 Turn ¼ R @3:00 stepping RF forward (5), LF step forward (6) 7 8 Turn ½ R @9:00 transfer weight to RF (7), Turn ¼ R @12:00 stepping LF to side (8) <strong>S2 (9 – 16) Forward Rock, Replace, Coaster step, Spiral turn, Walk x 2</strong> 1 2 3 4 RF rock forward (1), Replace on LF (2), RF step back (3), LF close next to RF (4) 5 6 RF step forward (5), Spiral turn (6) 7 8 LF step forward (7), RF step forward (8) <strong>S3 (17 – 24) ½ L, Sit, Hip up-down-up, Cross, Tap, Cross, Hitch</strong> 1 2 3 4 Turn ½ L@6:00, sit (1), Rise, twist L knee to R (2), Sit, release L knee (3) Rise, twist L knee to R (4) 5 6 LF cross over RF (5), RF tap to side (6) 7 8 RF cross over LF (7), LF hitch toward R diagonal (8) <strong>S4 (25 – 32) Cross, Side, Behind, Out-Out, Shoulder roll R-L, Cross tap behind</strong> 1 2 3 LF cross over RF (1), RF step to side (2), LF cross behind (3) &4 5 6 RF step to side (&), LF step to side (4), R shoulder roll back (5), L shoulder roll back (6) 7 8 RF cross tap behind LF (7), Hold (8) <strong>S5 (33 – 40) Unwind ½ R, Side, ¼ L, Cross,</strong> 1 2 3 4 Unwind ½ R @12:00, RF step to side (1), Hold (2,3,4) 5 6 7 8 Turn ¼ L @9:00 crossing LF over RF (5), Hold (6,7,8) <strong>S6 (41 – 48) Forward rock, Replace, Shuffle ½ R, Forward, ½ R, Forward, ½ L, tap</strong> 1 2 RF rock forward (1), Replace on LF (2) 3&4 Turn ¼ R @12:00 stepping RF to side (3), LF close next to RF (&), Turn ¼ R@3:00 stepping RF forward (4) 5 6 LF step forward (5), Turn ½ R @9:00 transferring weight to RF (6) 7 8 LF step forward (7), Turn ½ L @3:00 tapping RF next to LF (8) <strong>S7 (49 – 56) Cross, Tap, Cross, Tap, Jazz box ½ turn</strong> 1 2 3 4 RF cross over LF (1), LF tap to side (2), RF cross over LF (3), LF tap to side (4) 5 6 RF cross over LF (5), LF step back (6) 7 8 Turn ¼ R @6:00 stepping RF to side (7), Turn ¼ R@9:00, LF step forward (8) <strong>S8 (57 – 64) Forward, Close, Back, Close, Swivel walk around ¼ L</strong> &1 2 RF step forward (&), LF close next to RF, hip forward (1), Hold (2) &3 4 RF step back (&), LF close next RF, hip back (3), Hold (4) 5 6 7 8 Circular swivel walk R-L-R-L turning ¼ L @6:00 (5,6,7,8)