<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lilian Lo (HK) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 2 murs, Novice, Septembre 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Woman's Intuition - Molly Grace <strong>Intro: 32 counts</strong> <strong>Tags: after Walls 2 and 4</strong> <strong>S1 (1 – 8) Prissy walk, Side, Hip rock, ¼ R, Walk R-L</strong> 1 2 3 4 Cross walk R-L-R (1,2,3), LF step to side, Rock hip L (4) 5&6& Hold (5), Rock hip R (&), Rock hip L (6), Turn ¼ R to face 3:00 (&) 7 8 RF step forward (7), LF step forward (8) <strong>S2 (9 – 16) Forward, Swivel, ¼ L, Swivel x 2, ¼ L, Walk L-R-L, ½ R, Hook</strong> 1 2 3&4 RF step forward (1), Swivel heels R, turn ¼ L to face 12:00 (2), Hold (3) &4 Swivel heels L (&) Swivel heels R, turn ¼ L to face 9:00 (4) 5 6 LF step on spot (5), RF step forward (6) 7 8 LF step forward (7), Turn ½ R on LF to face 3:00, RF hook (8) <strong>S3 (17 -24) Forward, ¼ R, Tap, Cross, Tap, Jazz box</strong> 1&2 RF step forward (1), Turn ¼ R to face 6:00 (&), LF tap to side (2) 3 4 LF cross over RF (3), RF tap to side (4) 5 6 7 8 RF cross over RF (5), LF step back (6), RF step to side (7), LF step forward (8) <strong>S4 (25 -32) Side rock, Replace, Close, Side, Cross, Side rock, Replace, Close, Side, Forward</strong> 1 2& RF step to side, rock R (1), Replace on LF (2), RF close beside LF (&) 3 4 LF step to side (3), RF cross over LF (4) 5 6& LF step to side, rock L (5), Replace on RF (6), LF close beside RF (&) 7 8 RF step to side (7), LF step forward (8) <strong>Tag: After Wall 2 and 4</strong> <strong>T (1 – 8) Pedal ¼ L x 2, ½ L, Side, Close</strong> 1 2 RF tap forward (1), Pivot turn ¼ L to face 9:00 (2) 3 4& RF tap forward (3), Pivot turn ¼ L to face 6:00 (4), Turn ½ L on LF to face 12:00 5 6 7 8 RF step to side (5), Hold (6,7), LF close beside RF (8)