<strong>Choregraphie par :</strong> Guy Dubé (CAN), Nancy Milot (CAN), Suzanne Laverdière (CAN) & Marc Laliberté (CAN) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, Partner Novice, Février 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> Wish You Were the One - Kyle Clark & Julia Cole <strong>Intro: 16 counts</strong> <strong>Start in Back to Back position, (we do not hold hands).</strong> <strong>The man facing ILOD and the lady facing OLOD.</strong> <strong>[1-8] M&L: SHUFFLE BACK in 1/4 TURN R, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE FWD, ROCK BACK, RECOVER</strong> 1&2 Shuffle back in 1/4 turn right with LRL (LOD) (RLOD) <strong>*** On count 2, the man with his R hand takes the lady’s R hand.</strong> 3-4 Rock back on step R, recover on L 5&6 Shuffle forward with RLR <strong>*** On count 5, the partners are now palms to palms.</strong> <strong>The man’s R hand with the lady’s L hand and the man’s L hand with the lady’s R hand.</strong> 7-8 Rock back on step L, recover on R <strong>*** On count 7, you are now in Double Hand Hold position.</strong> <strong>[9-16] M: TRIPLE STEP, 2X (WALK BACK in 1/8 TURN R), SHUFFLE BACK in 1/4 TURN R, STEP BACK, 1/2 TURN R</strong> <strong>[9-16] L: SHUFFLE BACK in 1/2 TURN R, 2X (WALK BACK in 1/8 TURN R, SHUFFLE BACK in 1/4 TURN R, 1/2 TURN L, STEP FWD</strong> 1&2 M: Triple step on place with LRL . L: Shuffle back in 1/2 turn R with LRL (LOD) <strong>*** On count 1, the man raises with his R hand the lady’s L hand over her head.</strong> <strong>*** On count 2, you are now in Wrap position</strong>. 3-4 Step R back in 1/8 turn right, step L back in 1/8 turn right 5&6 Shuffle back in 1/4 turn right with RLR (RLOD) (RLOD) 7-8 M: Step L back, 1/2 turn right and step R forward (LOD) . L: 1/2 turn left and step L forward, step R forward (LOD) <strong>*** On count 7, the man with his R hand let go the lady’s L hand.</strong> <strong>*** On count 8, you are now in Reverse Promenade position.</strong> <strong>[17-24] M: SHUFFLE FWD, CROSS, SIDE, SHUFFLE FWD, STEP, TOUCH</strong> <strong>[17-24] L: SHUFFLE FWD, 1/4 TURN L, 1/2 TURN L, 1/4 TURN L and SHUFLLE FWD, STEP, TOUCH</strong> 1&2 Shuffle forward with LRL 3-4 M: Cross step R over L, step L to left side . L: 1/4 turn to left and step R back, 1/2 turn to left and step L forward (OLOD) <strong>*** On count 3, the man with his L hand raises the lady’s R hand.</strong> <strong>*** On count 4, the man with his R hand takes the lady’s L hand and raise them over the lady’s head.</strong> 5&6 M: Shuffle forward with RLR . L: 1/4 turn to left and shuffle forward with RLR (LOD) <strong>*** On count 5, the man let go the lady’s R and lower his R hand and lady”s L hand.</strong> <strong>*** You are now in Right Open Promenade position.</strong> 7-8 Step L forward, touch R together L <strong>[25-32] M: COASTER STEP, STEP, TOUCH, SHUFFLE FWD, 1/4 TURN L with SWAY, SIDE with SWAY</strong> <strong>[25-32] L: COASTER STEP, STEP, TOUCH, SHUFFLE FWD, 1/4 TURN R with SWAY, SIDE with SWAY</strong> 1&2 Step R back, step L together R, step R forward 3-4 Step L forward, touch R together L 5&6 Shuffle forward with RLR 7 M: 1/4 turn to left and step L to left side with swaying hips to left side (ILOD) . L: 1/4 turn to right and step L to left side with swaying hips to left side (OLOD) <strong>*** Back To Back position, the man facing ILOD and the lady facing OLOD.</strong> 8 Step R to right side with swaying hips to right side <strong>TAG : After the 3rd repetition of the dance, add this 8 counts tag :</strong> <strong>[1-8] SHUFFLE FWD, STEP, PIVOT 1/2 TURN L, SHUFFLE FWD, STEP, PIVOT 1/2 TURN R</strong> 1&2 Shuffle forward with LRL 3-4 Step R forward, pivot 1/2 turn to left (OLOD) (ILOD) 5&6 Shuffle forward with RLR 7-8 Step L forward, pivot 1/2 turn to right (ILOD) (OLOD) <strong>Restart from the beginning !</strong> <strong>ENJOY AND HAVE FUN !</strong> <strong>SUZANNE & MARC, NANCY & GUY</strong>