<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lars Kuif (NL) & Marianne van der Toorn Vrijthoff (NL)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Septembre 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Where's the Party - Declan Nerney <strong>Intro: 16 counts</strong> <strong>SEC 1: HEEL, HEEL, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, HEEL, HEEL, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS</strong> 1-2 RF. tap heel fwd – RF. tap heel fwd (12.00) 3&4 RF. cross behind LF. – LF. step to L-side – RF. cross over LF 5-6 LF. tap heel fwd – LF. tap heel fwd 7&8 LF. cross behind RF.– LF. step to R-side – LF. cross over RF. <strong>SEC 2: STOMP, STOMP OUT X2, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS</strong> 1&2 RF. stomp – RF. stomp to R-side – RF. stomp to R-side (12.00) 3&4 LF. step behind RF. – RF. step to R-side – LF. cross over RF 5-6 RF. rock to R-side - LF. recover 7&8 RF. step behind LF - LF. step to L-side – RF. cross over LF. *Restartpoint wall 3 <strong>SEC 3: CHASSE-L, 1/2 TURN-L-CHASSE -R, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, POINT R, 1/4 R, POINT L</strong> 1&2 LF. step to L-side – RF. step together – LF. step to L-side 3&4 RF. 1/2 turn L, step to R-side – LF. step together – RF. step to R-side (6.00) 5&6 LF. step behind RF – RF. step to R-side– LF. cross over RF 7&8 RF. point to R-side – LF. 1/4 turn R – LF. point to L-side (9.00) <strong>SEC 4: WALK, WALK, ROCK FWD, RECOVER, 1/2 TURN L, WALK, WALK, KICK BALL STEP</strong> 1-2 LF. walk fwd – RF. walk fwd 3&4 LF. rock fwd – RF. recover – LF. 1/2 turn L, step fwd (3.00) 5-6 RF. walk fwd - LF. walk fwd 7&8 RF. kick forward – RF. step together – LF. step fwd (3.00) <strong>*Restart in wall 3: after 16 counts</strong> <strong>**TAG: after wall 6:</strong> <strong>STOMP OUT-R, STOMP OUT-L WITH HIPBUMP, HIPBUMP R-L, TOUCH</strong> 1-2 RF. stomp to R-side – LF. stomp to L-side with a hipbump L 3-4 RF. hipbump R – LF. hipbump L 5 RF. touch toe next to LF