<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Dan Albro (USA) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Intermediaire, Septembre 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Waking Up Dreaming - Shania Twain <strong>Intro: 16 count intro. Start w/vocals</strong> <strong>[1-8] TOE STRUT, TOE STRUT, COASTER STEP, BRUSH</strong> 1,2 Touch R toe angle fwd right, drop R heel 3,4 Touch L toe angle fwd L, drop L heel 5,6,7,8 Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R, brush L <strong>[9-16] STEP, LOCK, ¼ TURN, TOUCH, OUT, IN, ¼ TURN, ¼ BRUSH</strong> 1,2,3 Step fwd L, step R behind L, turn ¼ right stepping side L 4,5,6 Touch R next to L, touch R toe side, touch R next to L 7,8 Turn ¼ right stepping fwd R, turn ¼ right brushing L fwd 9:00 <strong>[17-24] VINE LEFT, BRUSH, VINE RIGHT, ¼ TURN, BRUSH</strong> 1,2,3,4 Step side L, cross R behind L, step side L, brush R 5,6 Step side R, cross L behind R 7,8 Turn ¼ right stepping fwd R, brush L 12:00 <strong>[25-32] ROCK, REPLACE, ½ TURN, HOLD, ¾ TURN, STEP SIDE, HOLD</strong> 1,2,3,4 Rock fwd L, replace weight R, turn ½ left stepping fwd L, hold 5,6 *Step fwd on ball of R, spot ½ turn left 7,8 ¼ turn left stepping side L, hold 9:00 <strong>*Finale The last repetition facing 9:00</strong> 5,6 Turn ½ left stepping back R, hold 7,8 Turn ½ left stepping fwd L, hold 1 Turn ¼ left stepping side R to face 12:00