<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Hana Ries (USA)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 16 temps, 4 murs, Débutant, Août 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Don’t Come Lookin’ - Jackson Dean or: Yayo (feat. Pitbull & Ky-Mani Marley) - Papayo <strong>Intro 16 Counts, No tags and no restarts - CW rotation</strong> <strong>Alt. song: Yayo by Papayo ft. Pitbull & Ky-Mani Marley</strong> <strong>Intro 36 counts, One (4-count) tag at the end of wall 13</strong> <strong>(Read: R=right foot, L=left foot)</strong> <strong>DIAGONAL SWAYS, COASTER STEP, DIAGONAL SWAYS, COASTER STEP, SCUFF</strong> <strong>(12:00→12:00)</strong> 1& Turn 1/8 left stepping R to right and swaying hips to right, Hitch left knee up [10:30] 2& Step L down swaying hips to left, Hitch right knee up 3&4 Turn 1/8 right stepping R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward [12:00] 5&Turn 1/8 right stepping L to left and swaying hips to left, Hitch right knee up [1:30] 6& Step R down swaying hips to right, Hitch left knee up 7&8& Turn 1/8 left stepping L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward, Scuff R forward [12:00] <strong>Note: For ultra beginner/easier version omit diagonal turning (keep facing 12:00 through all 8 counts), omit knee hitches (sway with feet down on the floor).</strong> <strong>LOCK STEP SHUFFLE, SCUFF, SLOW HALF PIVOT TURN, RUN, PADDLE TURNS</strong> <strong>(12:00→3:00)</strong> 1&2 Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward 3&4& Step L forward, Hold and clap, Turn ½ right stepping R down and clap 5&6 Step L forward, Step R forward, Step L forward [6:00] 7& Press right toes to right pushing off into 1/8 turn left [4:30], Recover to L 8& Press right toes to right pushing off into 1/8 turn left [3:00], Recover to L <strong>Note: For ultra beginner/easier version replace locking shuffle with a regular shuffle, walk instead of run, clapping is optional.</strong> <strong>REPEAT</strong> <strong>TAG (only for the alternative song “ YAYO “)</strong> <strong>WALK ¾ LEFT (9:00→6:00)</strong> 1-2 Turn 1/8 left stepping R forward, Turn ¼ left stepping L forward, 3-4 Turn ¼ left stepping R forward, Turn 1/8 left stepping L forward <strong>Add the tag at the end of wall 13 (facing 9:00), and restart the dance from beginning (now facing 6:00).</strong>