<strong>Choregraphie par</strong> : Lars Kuif (NL) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Débutant, Juin 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Tropicana - Boomdabash & Annalisa <strong>Info - Starts after 16 counts</strong> <strong>[1 – 8] (Side, Point Diag. Fwd.)2x, Side, Cross, Side, Point Diag. Fwd.</strong> 1,2 Step R to side and slightly roll hips counter clockwise (1), point L diag. fwd. (2) 3,4 Step L to side and slightly roll hips clockwise (3), point R diag. fwd. (4) [12.00] 5,6,7,8 Step R to side (5), step L across R (6), step R to side (7), point L diag. fwd. (8) [12.00] <strong>Optional: Shimmy while dancing count 1-4</strong> <strong>[9 – 16] ¼ Shuffle Turn L, ¼ Chasse L, Behind, Side, Cross, Hitch</strong> 1&2 ¼ turn L stepping L fwd. (1), step R next to L (&), step L fwd. (2) [09.00] 3&4 ¼ L stepping R to side (4), step L next to R (&), step R to side (4) [06.00] 5,6,7,8 Step L behind R (5), step R to side (6), step L across R (7), hitch (8) [06.00] <strong>*Restart here during wall 3 and 7</strong> <strong>[17 – 24] Cross, Hold, Side, Heel, Hold, Together, Jazz Box Into ¼ L</strong> 1,2 Step R across L (1), hold (2) [06.00] &3,4 Step L to side and slightly back (&), touch R heel diag. fwd. (3), hold (4) [06.00] &5,6,7,8 Step R next to L (&), step L across R (5), ¼ L stepping R back (6), step L to side (7), step R across L (8) [03.00] <strong>Optional: Shimmy while dancing count 5-8</strong> <strong>[25 – 32] Shuffle Diag. Fwd. (2x), Step L Fwd., ½ Turn R, Cross, Hitch</strong> 1&2 Step L diag. fwd. (1), step R next to L (&), step L diag. fwd. (2) [03.00] 3&4 Step R diag. fwd. (3), step L next to R (&), step R diag. fwd. (4) [03.00] 5,6,7,8 Step L fwd. (5), ½ turn R replacing weight to RF (6), step L across R (7), hitch R (8) <strong>Restarts:</strong> <strong>Dance walls 3 and 7 up to count 16 and restart.</strong> <strong>Note: do not ‘turn left’ while hitching at this point.</strong> <strong>Finish:</strong> <strong>Finish the dance by dancing wall 11 up to count 30, then for the last 2 counts to finish facing 12.00 add</strong>: 7,8 ¼ turn L stepping L to side (7), hitch R (8) <strong>Questions: larskuiflinedance@gmail.com</strong> 0 Comments View / Add Comments QUICK LINKS Stepsheets Gallery Whats On Article