<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lars Kuif (NL) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 56 temps, 3 murs, Intermediaire Facile, Mars 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> (Just Like) Starting Over - John Lennon <strong>Starts on the word ‘been’ = first hard beat</strong> <strong>[1 – 8] (Side Rock, Cross Shuffle) 2x</strong> 1, 2 Rock R to side (1), recover to LF (2) 3&4 Step R across L (3), step L to side (&), step R across L (4) 5,6 Rock L to side (5), recover to RF (6) 7&8 Step L across R (7), step R to side (&), step L across R (8) [12.00] <strong>[9 – 16] Rhumba Box With Shuffles</strong> 1,2 Step R to side (1), step L next to R (2) 3&4 Step R back. (3), step L next to R (&), step R back. (4) 5,6 Step L to side (5), step R next to L (6) 7&8 Step L fwd. (7), step R next to L (&), step L fwd. (8) [12.00] <strong>[17 – 24] Weave L, Cross Rock, Side Rock</strong> 1 – 4 Step R across L (1), step L to side (2), step R behind L (3), step L to side (4) 5,6 Rock R across L (5), recover to LF (6) 7,8 Rock R to side (7), recover to LF (8) [12.00] <strong>[25 – 32] Behind, ¼ Turn L, Step L Fwd., Step R Fwd., ½ Turn L, (Step Diag. Fwd., Touch)2x</strong> 1 – 4 Step R behind L (1), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (2), step R fwd. (3), ½ turn L and weight to LF (4) [03.00] 5,6 Step R diag. fwd. (5), touch L next to R (6) 7,8 Step L diag. fwd. (7), touch R next to L (8) [03.00] <strong>*Restart here during wall 3 and 5, facing 09.00</strong> <strong>[33 – 40] Cross, Hold, Side, Back, Hold, Side, Cross Rock, Chassé</strong> 1,2 Step R across L (1), hold (2) &3,4 Step L to side (&), step R behind L (3), hold (4) &5,6 Step L to side (&), rock R across L (5, recover to LF (6) 7&8 Step R to side (7), step L next to R (&), step R to side (8) [03.00] <strong>[41 – 48] L Jazz Box With Touch, (Step Fwd., ¼ Turn L)2x</strong> 1 – 4 Step L across R (1), step R back (2), step L to side (3), touch R next to L (4) 5,6 Step R fwd. (5), ¼ turn L and weight to LF (6) 7,8 Step R fwd. (7), ¼ turn L and weight to LF (8) [09.00] <strong>[49 – 56] R Jazz Box Into Cross, Hip Sways, Touch</strong> 1 – 4 Step R across L (1), step L back (2), step R to side (3), step L across R (4) 5 – 8 Step R to side and sway (5), sway L (6), sway R (7), touch R next to L (8) [09.00] <strong>Tag:</strong> <strong>At the end of wall 2 (facing 06.00), add:</strong> 1 – 2 Step R to side (1), touch L next to R (2), step L to side (3), touch R next to L (4) <strong>Restart</strong> <strong>*Dance wall 3 and 5 up to count 32 and restart (facing 09.00)</strong> <strong>Tag+Restart:</strong> <strong>***Dance wall 6 up to count 32, facing 12.00:</strong> 1 Hold 2 Restart on count 1 of the dance <strong>Questions: larskuiflinedance@gmail.com</strong>