<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Jo Kinser (UK) & Sebastiaan Holtland (NL)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 2 murs, Débutant, Septembre 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> One Fine Day - Frankie Moreno : (iTunes) <strong>Intro: 16 cts (0:11 secs)</strong> <strong>S1: R&L Side, Back Rock Recover, ¼ turn L - R Side, Back Rock Recover, ½ Turn L Walk LR</strong> 12& RF step big step R, LF rock behind RF, RF recover across LF 34& LF step big step L, RF rock behind LF, LF recover across RF 56& ¼ turn L RF step big step R, LF rock behind RF, RF recover across LF (9:00) 78 ¼ turn L LF step forward (6:00), ¼ turn L RF step forward (3:00) <strong>Option on counts 7-8 Before you step onto your L&R foot do a little kick</strong> <strong>S2: L Mambo Forward, R Mambo Back, L Side Shimmy Touch, R Side Shimmy, Together</strong> 1&2 LF rock forward, RF recover, LF step back 3&4 RF rock back, LF recover, RF step forward 5&6 LF step L and shimmy shoulders 2x (5&), RF touch next to LF 7&8 RF step R and shimmy shoulders 2x (7&), LF step next to RF <strong>S3: Toe Strut Jazz Box ¼ Turn R, R Lock Forward, L Lock Forward, Scuff</strong> 1& RF touch over LF, Drop R heel 2& ¼ R LF touch back (6:00), Drop L heel 3&4 RF touch R, Drop R heel, LF step forward <strong>Option on counts 1-4 Swing your arms</strong> 5&6 RF step forward to R diagonal, LF lock behind RF, RF step forward to R diagonal 7&8& LF step forward to L diagonal, RF lock behind LF, LF step forward to L diagonal, RF scuff forward <strong>S4: R Mambo Forward, Toe Struts Back - Shimmies, L Mambo Back, Step Forward, Together</strong> 1&2 RF rock forward, LF recover, RF step back 3&4& LF touch back, Drop L heel, RF touch back, Drop R heel – shimmy shoulders on these counts 5&6 LF rock back, RF recover, LF step forward 78 RF step forward, LF step next to RF <strong>REPEAT THE DANCE AND HAVE FUN!!</strong>