<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Ryan Hunt (UK) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 40 temps, 2 murs, Intermediaire, Septembre 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Blue Skies Far From Me - Laurence Larson <strong>Intro: 24 counts, on lyrics (after 20 seconds)</strong> <strong>Side, Rock Back, 1/8 Forward, Chase 1/2 Turn, Full Turn, Rock Forward, Run Back</strong> 1-2& Step L to L (1), Cross Rock R Behind L (2), Recover weight on L (&) 3 Make 1/8 R stepping R forward (3) [1:30] 4&5 Step L forward (4), Pivot 1/2 R (&) [7:30], Step L forward (5) 6&7 Make 1/2 L stepping R back (6) [1:30], Make 1/2 L stepping L forward (&) [7:30], Rock forward R (7) 8& Recover as you run back L (8), Run back R (&) <strong>1/4 Sway, Sway, Drag, Run 5/8 w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 Forward</strong> 1-2-3 Make 1/4 L stepping/swaying L to L (1) [4:30], Sway R (2), Recover L as you drag R up to L (3) 4&5 Make 5/8 R running in a circle R (4), L (&), R as you sweep L from back to front (5) [12:00] 6&7& Cross L over R (6), Step R to R (&), Cross L behind R (7), Step R to R (&) 8&1 Cross Rock L over R (8), Recover on R (&), Make 1/4 L stepping L forward (1) [9:00] <strong>1/4 Side, Cross, Side w/ Kick, Side, Cross, Side w/ Sweep, Sailor 1/2 Cross w/ Hitch 1/8, Shuffle Rock Forward</strong> 2&3& Make 1/4 L stepping R to R (2) [6:00], Cross L over R (&), Step R to R (3), kick L into L diagonal (&) 4&5 Step L to L (4), Cross R over L (&), Step L to L as you sweep R out and behind (5) 6&7 Cross R behind L (6), Make 1/4 R closing L next to R (&) [9:00], Make 1/4 R crossing R over L as you hitch L knee turning a further 1/8 R (7) [1:30] 8&1 Step L forward (8), Close R next to L (&), Rock L forward (1) <strong>Recover, 1/2 Rock Forward, Recover, Ball Back Sweep, Back Sweep, 1/8 Behind, Side, Cross</strong> 2&3-4 Recover back on R (2), Make 1/2 L stepping L forward (&) [7:30], Rock R forward (3), Recover back L (4) &5-6 Close R next to L (&), Step L back as you sweep R from front to back (5), Step R back as you sweep L from front to back (6) 7&8 Make 1/8 L as you cross L behind R (7) [6:00], Step R to R (&), Cross L over R (8) <strong>Hinge 1/2, Side, Rock Back, Side, Rock Back, 1/4 Walk, Walk, Rock Forward, Recover Roll 1+1/4</strong> &1-2& Close R next to L (&), Hinge 1/2 L stepping L to L (1) [12:00], Cross Rock R behind L (2), Recover L (&) 3-4& Step R to R (3), Cross Rock L behind R (4), Recover R (&) 5-6 Make 1/4 L stepping L forward (5) [9:00] (*), Step R forward (6) 7& Rock L forward (7), Recover back R (&) 8& (1) Make 1/2 L stepping L forward (8) [3:00], Make 1/2 L stepping R back (&) [9:00], Make 1/4 L to begin [6:00] <strong>Tag – After Wall 4, complete the following 12 count Tag, starting on 12:00 and ending on 6:00.</strong> <strong>This is essentially repetition of the final 8 counts of the dance, followed by a ‘Fake Start’:</strong> <strong>Side, Rock Back, Side, Rock Back, 1/4 Walk, Walk, Rock Forward, Recover Roll 1+1/4</strong> 1-2& Step L to L (1), Cross Rock R behind L (2), Recover L (&) 3-4& Step R to R (3), Cross Rock L behind R (4), Recover R (&) 5-6 Make 1/4 L stepping L forward (5) [9:00], Step R forward (6) 7& Rock L forward (7), Recover back R (&) 8&1 Make 1/2 L stepping L forward (8) [3:00], Make 1/2 L stepping R back (&) [9:00], Make 1/4 L stepping L (1) [6:00] <strong>Rock Back, 1/8 Forward, Sharp Pivot 7/8</strong> 2&3 Cross Rock R Behind L (2), Recover weight on L (&), Make 1/8 R stepping R forward (3) [7:30] 4&(1) Step L forward (4), Sharply Pivot 7/8 R (&) [6:00]. Complete the turn and step L to L to begin [6:00] <strong>Note: These 4 counts will feel like a ‘Fake Start’ to the dance, before resuming the dance properly from count 1.</strong> <strong>Ending – On Wall 5, dance 37 counts (*), and then sweep the R a further 1/4 L to finish on 12:00.</strong>