<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Jean-Pierre Madge (CH) & Ryan Hunt (UK) <!--more--> <strong>Description :</strong> 48 temps, 4 murs, Intermediaire, Mars 2023 Musique : Do Your Thing! - Michael Medrano https://youtu.be/qfV9T5kEog0 <strong>Intro: 16 counts (after 8 seconds), on lyrics</strong> <strong>Walk Forward x2, Ball 1/4 Cross, Knee Pop, Side Rock Cross, & Cross Unwind 1/2</strong> 1-2 Walk forward on R (1), Walk forward on L (2) &3 Make 1/4 turn L stepping R to R side (&) [9:00], Cross L over R (3) &4 Pop both knees forward as you raise heels off floor (&), Drop both heels (4) 5&6 Rock R to R side (5), Recover on L (&), Cross R over L (6) &7-8 Quickly Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (7), Unwind 1/2 turn L taking weight onto L (8) [3:00] <strong>Full Turn Forward, Mambo Forward, Heel Fans Back, Sailor 1/4</strong> 1-2 Make 1/2 turn L stepping back on R (1) [9:00], Make 1/2 turn L stepping forward on L (2) [3:00] 3&4 Rock forward on R (3), Recover on L (&), Step back on R (4) 5-6 Step back on L as you fan toes of R foot to R side (5), Step back on R as you fan toes of L foot to L side (6) 7&8 Cross L behind R (7), Make 1/4 turn L stepping R in place (&) [12:00], Step forward on L (8) <strong>Hip Bump, Step, Chase 1/2 Turn, Rock Forward, Recover, Slide Back, Knee Pop</strong> 1-2 Touch R slightly forward as you bump R hip forward (1), Step forward on R (2) 3&4 Step forward on L (3), Pivot 1/2 turn R taking weight onto R (&) [6:00], Step forward on L (4) 5-6 Rock forward on R (5), Recover on L (6) 7-8 Take a big step back on R as you drag L foot back to meet R (7), Close L next to R as you pop R knee forward (8) <strong>Kick Step, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, 1/8 Out, Out, Triple Run Back</strong> 1&2& Kick R forward (1), Step down on R foot (&), Rock L to L side (2), Recover on R (&) 3&4 Cross L over R (3), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4) 5-6 Make 1/8 turn R stepping forward and out on R foot (5) [7:30], Step forward and out on L foot (6) 7&8 Still facing diagonal – Run back R (7), L (&), R (8) <strong>Body Roll Back, & 1/8 Side Touch, Consecutive Lock Steps Forward</strong> 1-2 Touch L toes back as you start a body roll from head down (1), Complete the body roll taking the weight back onto the L foot (2) &3-4 Quick close R next to L (&), Make 1/8 turn L stepping L to L side (3) [6:00], Touch R next to L (4) 5&6 Step R forward (5), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (6) &7&8 Step L forward (&), Lock R behind L (7), Step L forward (&), Step R forward (8) <strong>Cross Rock, Sweep, Sailor 1/4, Step Pivot 1/2, Out Out, Zip Jump</strong> 1-2 Cross Rock L over R (1), Recover on R sweeping L from front to back (2) 3&4 Cross L behind R (3), Make 1/4 turn L stepping R in place (&) [3:00], Step forward on L (4) 5-6 Step R forward (5), Pivot 1/2 turn L taking the weight onto the L (6) [9:00] &7-8 Quickly Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (7), Jump both feet together (8) <strong>Styling: On Walls 2, 4, and 6 (Chorus Walls), add the following arm movements on counts 29-32 (Section 4): left arm across chest with palm facing in and right arm out to right with palm facing forward (29), right arm across chest with palm facing in and left arm out to left with palm facing forward (30), left arm across chest with palm facing in and right arm out to right with palm facing forward (31), right arm across chest with palm facing in and left arm out to left with palm facing forward (&), left arm across chest with palm facing in and right arm out to right with palm facing forward (32).</strong> <strong>Ending: On Wall 7, dance 24 counts to finish facing 12:00, and then step forward on the R foot, covering both eyes with your hands on the word “naked”.</strong>