<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Val Saari (CAN) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Mai 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> On the Boat Again - Jake Owen <strong>INTRO: 8 counts - Begin on the word “job”</strong> <strong>S:1 TOE STRUTS WITH HIP BUMPS, RL, MODIFIED V-STEP</strong> 1&2 Touch RF toes forward & bump hips RLR, (step heel down on count 2) 3&4 Touch LF toes forward while bumping hips LRL, (step LF heel down on count 4) 5-6 Step RF diagonally forward right, Step LF diagonally forward left 7-8 Step RF back to centre, Drag LF heel together (optional clap) <strong>S:2 SWAY RL, REVERSE GRAPEVINE L, SWAY LR, REVERSE GRAPEVINE TURN 1/4 R</strong> 1-2 Step RF right and sway R,L 3&4 Cross-step RF behind left, Step LF left, Cross-step RF in front of L 5-6 Step LF left and sway L,R 7&8 Cross-step LF behind R, Step RF right, Cross-step LF in front of R turn 1/4 R (3:00) <strong>S:3 STOMP/KICK SAILOR STEP X 2 (RL)</strong> 1-2 Stomp RF down, Kick RF diagonally forward 3&4 Sailor step RLR 5-6 Stomp LF down, Kick LF diagonally forward 7&8 Sailor step LRL ** <strong>S:4 STEP-TURN 1/4 LEFT TWICE, JAZZ BOX FWD</strong> 1-2 Step RF forward, Turn 1/4 turn left (weight on left) 3-4 Step RF forward, Turn 1/4 turn left (weight on left)(9:00)* 5-6 Cross RF over Left, Step Left back 7-8 Step RF to side, Step LF forward <strong>***3 EZ Restarts</strong> <strong>*After 4 counts in S:4 on Walls 2 (facing 6:00), Wall 4 (facing 12:00), Wall 7 (facing 9:00)</strong> <strong>TAG: 8 COUNT TAG & RESTART</strong> <strong>**Following S:3 on Wall 6 facing 12:00 (end of orchestral interlude)</strong> <strong>RF ROCK/RECOVER, SHUFFLE RLR 1/2 R, LF ROCK/RECOVER, SHUFFLE LRL 1/2 L</strong> 1-2 Rock RF forward, Recover LF 3&4 Shuffle RLR Turn 1/2 R 5-6 Rock LF forward, Recover RF 7&8 Shuffle LRL Turn 1/2 L <strong>Restart</strong> <strong>IDEA: during the “sways” you could exaggerate them like you are rocking through a storm on a boat (or seasick)</strong> <strong>Email: valeriesaari@icloud.com</strong> <strong>Last Update: 28 May 2023</strong>