<strong>Choregraphie par</strong> : Lars Kuif (NL) & Marianne van der Toorn Vrijthoff (NL) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 36 temps, 4 murs, Débutant +, Juin 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> Night on the Town - The Okee Dokee Brothers <strong>Intro: 36 counts</strong> <strong>Sec 1:R+L SHUFFLE FWD</strong> 1-2-3-4 RF.step fwd, LF.step next to RF, RF.step fwd, hold (12.00) 5-6-7-8 LF.step fwd, RF.step next to LF, LF.step fwd, hold <strong>Sec 2:HEEL STRUTS INTO 1/4 TURN L, RUN R-L INTO 1/2 TURN L, STOMP R TOGETHER</strong> 1-2-3-4 RF. 1/8 turn L touching R-heel fwd, drop R-toe, LF.1/8 turn L touching L-heel fwd, drop L-toe (9.00) 5-6-7-8 RF.1/4 turn L stepping fwd, LF.1/4 turn L stepping fwd, RF.stomp next to LF, hold (3.00) <strong>Sec 3: HEEL SPLIT X2, HEEL FWD R-L</strong> 1-2-3-4 RF+LF heels turn out, RF+LF heels turn in, RF+LF heels turn out, RF+LF heels turn in 5-6-7-8 RF. tap heel fwd, RF.tap heel back in middle, LF.tap heel fwd, LF.tap heel back in middle (9.00) <strong>Sec 4: SIDE ROCK CROSS R, SIDE ROCK CROSS L</strong> 1-2-3-4 RF.rock to R-side, LF.recover, RF.cross over LF, hold 5-6-7-8 LF.rock to L-side, RF. recover, LF.cross over RF, hold (9.00) <strong>Sec 5: HITCH, STEP BACK, HITCH, STEP BACK</strong> 1-2-3-4 RF. hitch, RF.step backwards, LF.hitch, LF.step backwards (9.00) <strong>Start Again !</strong> <strong>*At wall 3-4 and 7-8 and 12-13 you lose the last 4 counts, so dance till count 32</strong> <strong>Tag: Wall 11: The music changes into Waltz (6.00)</strong> <strong>STOMP, BASIC WALTZ STEP FWD, BASIC WALTZ STEP BACK</strong> &1-2-3 RF.stomp next to LF(&), LF.step fwd, RF.step next to LF, LF.step next to RF 4-5-6 RF. step back, LF. step next to RF, RF.step next to LF <strong>TWINKLE L, TWINKLE R</strong> 1-2-3 LF.step across RF, RF.step to R-side, LF.step on place 4-5-6 RF.step across LF, LF.step to L-side, RF.step on place <strong>BASIC WALTZ STEP FWD, BASIC WALTZ STEP BACK</strong> 1-2-3 LF.step fwd, RF.step next to LF, LF.step next to RF 4-5-6 RF. step back, LF. step next to RF, RF.step next to LF <strong>TWINKLE L, TWINKLE R</strong> 1-2-3 LF.step across RF, RF.step to R-side, LF.step on place 4-5-6 RF.step across LF, LF.step to L-side, RF.step on place <strong>BASIC WALTZ STEP FWD, BASIC WALTZ STEP BACK</strong> 1-2-3 LF.step fwd, RF.step next to LF, LF.step next to RF 4-5-6 RF. step back, LF. step next to RF, RF.step next to LF <strong>BASIC WALTZ STEP FWD, BASIC WALTZ STEP BACK</strong> 1-2-3 LF.step fwd, RF.step next to LF, LF.step next to RF 4-5-6 RF. step back, LF. step next to RF, RF.step next to LF <strong>STEP L TO SIDE, HIP BUMPS</strong> 1-2-3-4 LF.step to L-side with hip bump, hold, hip bump R, hold 5-6-7-8 Hip bump L, hip bump R, hip bump L, hold