<strong>Choregraphie par</strong> : Tim Gauci (AUS) & Travis Taylor (AUS)<!--more--> <strong>Description :</strong> 48 temps, 2 murs, Intermediaire, Février 2023 <strong>Musique</strong> : Love You Anyway - Luke Combs <strong>INTRO: 16 Counts (on the word ‘’kiss’)</strong> <strong>ROCK BACK/REPLACE 1/2 L – ROCK BACK/REPLACE FULL TURN R – CROSS SIDE BEHIND – BEHIND SIDE</strong> 1-2& Rock R back, Replace weight on L, 1/2 L Stepping R back 3-4& Rock L back, Replace weight on R, 1/2 R Stepping L back 5-6& 1/2 R Stepping R fwd sweeping L around, Cross L over R, Step R to R side 7-8& Step L behind R sweeping R around, Step R behind L, Step L to L side <strong>CROSS – 1/2 BACK – 1/4 SIDE – 1 1/4 ROLL TURN L – FWD TOGETHER – BACK BACK – ROCK BACK/REPLACE 1/4 L HITCH</strong> 1&2 Cross R over L, 1/4 R Stepping L back, 1/4 R Stepping R to R side (prep to turn) 3&4 1/4 L Stepping L fwd, 1/2 L Stepping R back, 1/2 L Stepping L fwd 5&6& Step R fwd, Step L together, Step R back, Step L back 7-8 Rock R back popping L knee, Replace weight on L hitching R knee into a 1/4 L <strong>ROCK FWD/REPLACE 1/2 FWD – PIVOT 1/2 R FWD SWEEP – CROSS 1/8 BACK – BACK 1/8 SIDE – 1/8 FWD TOGETHER</strong> 1-2& Rock R fwd, Replace weight on L, 1/2 R Stepping R fwd 3&4 Step L fwd, 1/2 R Pivot weight on R, Step L fwd on R sweeping L around 5&6 Cross R over L, 1/8 R Stepping L back, Step R back dragging L 7&8& Step L back, 1/8 R Stepping to R side, 1/8 R Stepping L fwd, Step R together <strong>ROCK FWD/REPLACE 1/2 L FWD – ROCK FWD/REPLACE 1/4 FWD – 2X QUICK PIVOTS – ROCK FWD/REPLACE &</strong> 1-2& Rock L fwd, Replace weight on R, 1/2 L Stepping L fwd 3-4& Rock R fwd, Replace weight on L, 1/4 R Stepping R fwd 5&6& Step L fwd, 1/2 R Pivot weight on R, Step L fwd, 1/2 R Pivot weight on R 7-8& Rock L fwd, Replace weight on R, Step L together <strong>ROCK BACK/REPLACE & 1/8 L ROCK BACK REPLACE & 1/4 R BACK SWEEP – BACK SWEEP – BEHIND 1/4 FWD – PIVOT 1/4 L</strong> 1-2& Rock R back, Replace weight on L, 1/8 L Stepping R to R side 3-4& Rock L back, Replace weight on R, 1/4 R Stepping L back *WALL 2 RESTART HERE – SEE NOTES BELOW* 5-6 Step R back sweeping L, Step L back sweeping R 7&8& Step R behind L, 1/4 L Stepping L fwd, Step R fwd, 1/4 L Pivot weight on L <strong>CROSS ROCK/REPLACE & 1/4 FWD ROCK/REPLACE & 1/2 FWD – WALK – WALK – PIVOT 1/2 L – ROCK FWD/REPLACE</strong> 1-2& Cross Rock R over L, Replace weight on L, 1/4 R Stepping R fwd 3-4& Rock L fwd, Replace weight on R, 1/2 L Stepping L fwd *WALL 4 RESTART HERE – SEE NOTES BELOW* 5-6 Step R fwd dragging L past R, Step L fwd dragging R past L 7&8& Step R fwd, 1/2 L Pivot weight on L, Rock R fwd, Replace weight on L <strong>THERE ARE 2 RESTARTS IN THIS DANCE</strong> <strong>Wall 2 at Count 36 – follow counts 32-36& below to restart</strong> 1-2& Rock R back, Replace weight on L, 1/8 L Stepping R to R side 3-4& Rock L back, Replace weight on R, Step L to L side to start again <strong>Wall 4 at Count 44 – follow counts 40-44& below to restart</strong> 1-2& Cross Rock R over L, Replace weight on L, 1/4 R Stepping R fwd 3-4& Rock L fwd, Replace weight on R, Step L back to start again