<strong>Choregraphie par :</strong> Hana Ries (USA)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 48 temps, Intermediaire Facile Phrasée, Octobre 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> LET IT RIDE - Niko Moon <strong>Intro 16 counts. Start dancing on lyrics</strong> <strong>Sequence: A, B, B, Tag, A, B, B, B, A, B, B, B</strong> <strong>(Read: R=right foot, L=left foot)</strong> <strong>PART A (due to song phrasing, only facing 12:00 and 3:00)</strong> <strong>POINTS TO SIDES, POINT-FLICK-POINT, HIP BUMP ROLL, STEP TOUCHES (12:00→12:00)</strong> 1&2& Point R to right, Step R next to L, Point L to left, Step L together 3&4 Point R to right, Flick R behind L, Point R to right 5&6& Bump hips from left to right shifting weight from L to R <strong>(Option: roll hips counterclockwise without bumping)</strong> 7&8& Step L to left, Touch R next to L, Step R to right, Touch L next to R <strong>(Option: Snap or clap on “&” counts))</strong> <strong>MODIFIED VINE, CROSS ROCK/RECOVER, CHASSE, MODIFIED JAZZ BOX (12:00→9:00)</strong> 1-2& Step L to left, Step R behind L, Step L to left 3-4 Cross rock R over L, Recover to L 5&6 Step R to right, Step L next to R, Step R to right 7&8 Cross L over R, Step R to right turning ¼ left, Step L slightly forward <strong>STEP-TOUCH-STEP-HOOK, STEP-LOCK-STEP, STEP-TOUCH-STEP-HOOK, STEP-LOCK-STEP (9:00→9:00)</strong> 1&2& Step R forward, Touch L right behind R, Step L back, Hook R over L 3&4 Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward 5&6& Step L forward, Touch R right behind L, Step R back, Hook L over R 7&8 Step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward <strong>KICK-STEP-POINT, KICK-STEP-POINT, KICK-STEP, KICK-STEP, KICK-BALL-STOMP (9:00→9:00)</strong> 1&2 Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Point L to left 3&4 Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Point R to right 5&6& Low kick R forward, Step R next to L, Low kick L forward, Step L next to R 7&8 Kick R forward, Step on ball of R next to L, Stomp L next to R <strong>(Option for the first 4 counts)</strong> 1&2& Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Rock L to left, Recover to R 3&4& Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Rock R to right, Recover to L <strong>PART B</strong> <strong>ROCK SIDE/RECOVER, SWITCH, ROCK SIDE/RECOVER, SWITCH, CHASSE, TURN ¼ LEFT, CHASSE</strong> 1-2& Rock R out to right side (=big step to the right side), Recover to L, Step ball of R next to L 3-4& Rock L out to left side (=big step to the left side), Recover to R, Step ball of L next to R 5&6 Step R to right, Step L next to R, Step R to right 7&8 Turn ¼ left and step L to left, Step R next to L, Step L to left <strong>CROSS ROCKING CHAIR, CROSS ROCK/RECOVER, STEP SIDE, CROSS ROCKING CHAIR, CROSSING SHUFFLE</strong> 1&2& Cross rock R over L, Recover to L, Rock R back, Recover to L 3&4 Cross rock R over L, Recover to L, Step R to right 5&6& Cross rock L over R, Recover to R, Rock L back, Recover to R 7&8 Cross L over R, Step R slightly to right, Cross L over R <strong>TAG</strong> 1-2 Step R to right, Stomp L next to R <strong>ENDING</strong> <strong>You will finish the dance facing 3:00. Turn ¼ left stepping R slightly back, and strike a pose. ☺</strong>