<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Tim Gauci (AUS)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 48 temps, 4 murs, Intermediaire Facile valse, Mars 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Leave You Alone - Kane Brown : (Single) <strong>Begin dance 24 beats in. Learn the steps then make them your own.</strong> <strong>[1-12] CROSS TWINKLE, ¼ TWINKLE, SLOW KICK, BACK, ½ SIDE</strong> 123 Step R across L, step L to L, rock weight onto R 12:00 456 Step L across R, making ¼ turn L step R back, step L to L 9:00 789 Making 45deg turn L (into the L diagonal) step R fwd, hitch L knee into a L kick (over 2 beats) 7:30 10 11 12 Step L back, making ½ turn R step R fwd, making 45deg turn R step L to L 3:00 <strong>[13-24] SAILOR WALTZ, BEHIND, SIDE CROSS, SIDE/DRAG/TOUCH, ¼, ½, ½</strong> 123 Step R behind L, step L to L, rock weight onto R 3:00 456 Step L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R 3:00 789 Big step R to R, drag L towards R, touch L next to R 3:00 10 11 12 Making ¼ turn L step L fwd, making ½ turn L step R back, making ½ turn L step L fwd** 12:00 <strong>[25-36] OUT, OUT, BACK, CROSS, BACK, BACK, CROSS, BACK, ½, FWD, SLOW ¼</strong> 123 Step R foot fwd at R45, step L foot fwd at L45, step R back 12:00 456 Cross L over R, step R back at R45, step L back at L45 12:00 789 Cross R over L, step L back at L45, making ½ turn R step R fwd (straightening up to 6:00 wall) 6:00 10 11 12 Step L fwd, paddle ¼ turn R (over 2 beats) 9:00 <strong>[37-48] CROSS, ¼, ¼, CROSS, ROCK, SIDE, CROSS, ROCK, SIDE, FWD, SLOW ½</strong> 123 Cross L over R, making ¼ turn L step R back, making ¼ turn L step L to L 3:00 456 Cross R over L, rock weight back onto L, step R to R 3:00 789 Cross L over R, rock weight back onto R, step L to L 3:00 10 11 12 Step R fwd, pivot turn ½ L over 2 beats (weight L) 9:00 <strong>[48] Beats - Repeat dance in new direction</strong> <strong>Restart on wall 2 dance up to beat 24** and restart dance from beginning facing 9:00 wall</strong> <strong>Tag #1: Add the 12 beat tag at the end of walls 3 (facing 6:00) and 6 (facing 3:00);</strong> <strong>[1-12] FWD, TOG, TOG, BACK, ½, TOG, FWD, ½, TOG, BACK, BACK, ROCK</strong> 123 Step R fwd, step L next to R, step R tog 456 Step L back, making ½ R step R fwd, step L tog 789 Step R fwd, making ½ turn R step L back, step R tog 10 11 12 Step L back, step R back, rock weight fwd onto L <strong>Tag #2: Add the following 3 beats at the end of wall 4 facing 3:00 wall – restart facing 9:00 wall;</strong> <strong>Step R fwd, pivot turn ½ L over 2 beats (weight L)</strong> <strong>Enjoy</strong>