<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lacey Key (USA)<!--more--> <strong>Description</strong> : 32 temps, 4 murs, Débutant, Février 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> Better Luck Next Guy - Lanie Gardner <strong>Music Available on Amazon and iTunes</strong> <strong>Intro: 16 Counts</strong> <strong>[1-8] STEP SLIDE, TOUCH w/CLAPS</strong> 1,2 Step forward on R, Slide L up touch beside R with Clap 3,4 Step forward on L, Slide R up touch beside L with Clap 5,6 Step forward on R, Slide L up touch beside R with Clap 7,8 Step forward on L, Slide R up touch beside L with Clap <strong>[9-16] R ROCKING CHAIR, PIVOT 1/2, POINT TOE</strong> 1-4 Rock forward R, Recover L, Rock R back, Recover L 5,6 Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 turn L 7,8 Step forward on R, Point L toe <strong>**Tag & Restart - On wall 7, at the end of Section 2, step down on L and slide R toe beside L and restart dance from here.**</strong> <strong>[17-24] CROSS STEP, HIP PUSH R&L, JAZZ BOX</strong> 1,2 Cross L over R, Push R hip up(This step has a bit of a Bachata influence to it) 3,4 Cross R over L, Push L hip up 5-8 L cross over R, R step back, L step to the side, Touch R toe beside <strong>[25-32] 1/2 SHUFFLE BOX,TOE STRUTS W/HIP BUMPS</strong> 1&2 Step R to side, Step L next to R, Step R to side & On ball of R foot Turn 1/4 L 3&4 Step L to side, Step R next to L, Step L to side 5&6 R toe forward, R hip bump, R heel down 7&8 L toe forward, L hip bump, L heel down <strong>BEGIN AGAIN!! HAVE FUN!!</strong> <strong>(Be sure to share your videos. I love to see what other dancers do with the dance.)</strong>