<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Tim Gauci (AUS)<!--more--> <strong>Description :</strong> 64 temps, 2 murs, Intermediaire, Decembre 2021 <strong>Musique : </strong> Gone Gone Gone - Casey Barnes : (iTunes Single) <strong>Begin dance 16 slow counts in (on the heavy beats after Casey sings 1234)</strong> <strong>[1-8] R CROSS, SIDE, HEEL, TOG, TOUCH, SIDE, HEEL TOG, L CROSS, SIDE, HEEL, TOG, TOUCH, SIDE, HEEL TOG</strong> 1&2&3&4& Cross R over L, step L to slightly to L (&), touch R heel to R45, step R tog (&), touch L next to R, step L to slightly to L (&), touch R heel to R45, step R tog (&) 12:00 5&6&7&8& Cross L over R, step R to slightly to R (&), touch L heel to L45, step L tog (&), touch R next to L, step R to slightly to R (&), touch L heel to L45, step L tog (&) 12:00 <strong>[9-16] CROSS, ¼, COASTER STEP, ½, ½, ¼ SIDE SHUFFLE</strong> 123&4 Cross R over L, step L back making ¼ turn R, step R back, step L tog (&), step R fwd 3:00 567&8 Making ½ turn R step L back, making ½ turn R step R fwd, making ¼ turn R shuffle L to L side (LRL) 6:00 <strong>[17-24] SAILOR STEP, ¾ SAILOR STEP, STEP, PIVOT ½, KICK BALL STEP</strong> 1&23&4 Step R behind L, step L slight to L (&), step R slightly to R, making ¼ turn L step L back, making ¼ turn L step R to R side, making ¼ turn L step L fwd 9:00 567&8 Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L, kick R fwd, step R together (&), step L fwd 3:00 <strong>[25-32] R HEEL, TOG, TOUCH, TOG ¼, TOUCH, TOG, HEEL TOG, L HEEL, TOG, TOUCH, TOG ¼, TOUCH, TOG, HEEL TOG</strong> 1&2&3&4& Touch R heel fwd, step R foot together (&), touch L toe back, making ¼ turn L step L foot together (&), touch R toe back, step R foot together (&), touch L heel fwd, step L foot together (&) 12:00 5&6&7&8& Touch R heel fwd, step R foot together (&), touch L toe back, making ¼ turn L step L foot together (&), touch R toe back, step R foot together (&), touch L heel fwd, step L foot together (&) 9:00 <strong>[33-40] WALK, WALK, FWD COASTER STEP, BACK, BACK, COASTER STEP</strong> 123&4 Walk fwd R, L, step R fwd, step L together (&), step R foot back 9:00 567&8 Walk back L, R, step L back, step R tog (&), step L fwd 9:00 [<strong>41-48] SIDE, ROCK, CROSS, SIDE, ROCK, CROSS, ¼ TURNING JAZZBOX</strong> 1&23&4 Step R to R side, rock weight onto L side (&), cross R over L and slightly fwd, step L to L side, rock weight onto R side (&), cross L over R and slightly fwd 9:00 5678 Cross R over L, step L back, making ¼ turn R step R to R side*, step L across R 12:00 <strong>[49-56] SIDE, HOLD, TOG, SIDE, HOLD, TOG, SIDE, ¼, SIDE, TOG, FWD, ROCK</strong> 12&34& Touch R toe to R side, hold, step R foot together (&), touch L toe to L side, hold, step L foot together (&) 12:00 5&6&78 Touch R toe to R side, making ¼ turn R step R together (&), touch L toe to L side, step L foot together (&), step R fwd, rock weight back onto L 3:00 <strong>[57-64] BACK, LOCK, BACK, COASTER STEP, ¾ WALK RLRL</strong> 1&23&4 Step R back, step L across R (&), step R back, step L back, step R foot together (&), step L fwd, 3:00 5678 Making ¾ turn L walk RLRL in a circle motion 6:00 <strong>[64] Beats Repeat dance in new direction</strong> <strong>Restarts (with step change) on walls 2 and 5 - dance up to beat 47* instead of crossing the L over R, rock the weight onto the L and restart dance again from beginning facing 6:00 wall both times.</strong> <strong>Ending on wall 7 - dance up to beat 12 (facing 3:00) and add the following: making ½ turn R step L back (&), making ¼ turn R to face 12:00 stomp R to R side - ta daaa!</strong> <strong>Enjoy</strong>