<strong>Choregraphie par</strong> : Lars Kuif (NL) & Marianne van der Toorn Vrijthoff (NL) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice Facile, Octobre 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> I Wish I Had Cheated - Atlus https://youtu.be/YtRwhJNZ9NM?si=khfAMHp1yuMrph-O <strong>Intro: 32 counts</strong> <strong>Sec 1: CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, SWEEP FWD</strong> 1-2 RF.rock over LF – LF.recover (12.00) 3-4 RF.rock to R-side. – LF.recover 5-6-7 RF.cross behind LF. – LF. step to L-side – RF.cross over LF. 8 LF.sweep forward <strong>Sec 2: CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, SWEEP BACKWARD, BEHIND, STEP 1/4 TURN L, PIVOT 1/4 L</strong> 1-2 LF.cross over RF. – RF.step to R-side -. 3-4 LF.cross behind RF.. - RF. sweep backwards 5-6 RF.cross behind LF. – LF. 1/4 turn L, step forward (9.00) 7-8 RF.step forward – LF. 1/4 turn L, weight on LF. <strong>Sec 3: STEP-LOCK-STEP, HOLD, ROCK L FWD, STEP L BACK, KICK R FWD</strong> 1-2-3 RF.step fwd – LF.lock behind RF – RF.step fwd 4 hold 5-6 RF.rock fwd – LF.recover 7-8 LF.step back – RF.kick fwd <strong>Sec 4: R COASTER STEP HOLD, STEP L FWD, 3/4 PIVOT R, STEP L FWD, BRUSH R FWD</strong> 1-2-3 RF.step back – LF.step next to RF – RF.step fwd 4 hold 5-6 LF.step fwd – 3/4 turn R and place weight in RF (3.00) 7-8 LF.step fwd – RF.brush <strong>Start Again</strong> <strong>Restart: In Wall 5: after 8 counts, Replace the sweep of count 8 (section 1) with a step L to L-side</strong>