<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lilian Lo (HK) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 48 temps, 2 murs, Intermediaire, Août 2023 <strong>Musique : </strong> How Country Feels - Randy Houser <strong>Restart after Wall 5 Count 32&</strong> <strong>Intro: 16 counts</strong> <strong>S1 (1 – 9) Side, Cuban break, ¼ R, Forward, ¼ L, Hitch, Chasse</strong> 1 2& Step L to side (1), Cross rock R over L (2), Replace onto L (&) 3&4& Rock R to side (3), Replace onto L (&), Cross rock R over L (4), Replace onto L (&) 5 6 7 Turn ¼ R @3:00 stepping R forward (5), Step L forward (6), Turn ¼ L @12:00 Hitching R (7) 8&1 Step R to side (8), Close L next to R (&), Step R to side (1) <strong>S2 (10 – 17) Kick, Out-out x 3, Close, Forward</strong> 2&3 4 Kick L across R (2), Step L to side (&), Step R to side, split weight (3), Hold (4) &5 6 Step L slightly forward (&), Step R slightly forward, split weight (5), Hold (6) &7 8 Step L slightly forward (&) Step R slightly forward, split weight (7), Hold (8) &1 Close L next to R on ball (&), Step R forward (1) <strong>S3 (18 – 25) Forward, ½ L, Ronde, Behind, Close, 1/8 R, Forward, ¼ L circular forward x 2, ¼ L circular step-lock-step</strong> 2 3 Step L forward (2), Turn ½ L @6:00 stepping R back sweeping L to side (3) 4&5 Cross L behind R (4), Close R next to L (&), Turn 1/8 R @7:30 stepping L forward (5) 6 7 Turn 1/8 L @6:00 stepping R forward (6), Turn 1/8 L @4:30 stepping L forward (7) 8& Turn 1/8 L @3:00 stepping R forward (8), Lock L behind R (&) 1 Turn 1/8 L @1:30 stepping R forward (1) <strong>S4 (26 – 33) Cross check, Replace, Ronde, Behind, Close, Side, Slide, Close, Weight change x 3</strong> 2 3 Cross L over R (2), Replace onto R sweeping L to side (3) 4&5 Cross L behind R (4), Close R next to L (&), Turn 1/8 L @12:00, L take big step to side (5) 6 7 Slide R to L (6), Close R next to L (7) 8&1 Weight change to L (8), * Weight change to R (&), Weight change to L (1) <strong>*Restart happens after S4, Count 8& (32&) at Wall 5</strong> <strong>S5 (34 – 41) Back, Replace, ¼ L, Chasse, 1/8 L, Cross, Side, Back, Hitch, Back, 1/8 L, Close, Cross</strong> 2 3 Step R back (2), Replace onto L (3) 4&5 Turn ¼ L @9:00 stepping R to side (4), Close L next to R (&), Step R to side (5) 6& Turn 1/8 L @7:30 crossing L over R (6), Step R to side (&) 7& Step L back (7), Hitch R (&) 8&1 Step R back (8), Turn 1/8 L @6:00 closing L to R (&), Cross R over L (1) <strong>S6 (42 – 48&) Side rock x 2, Forward, ½ R, Sit, Step on R, Forward, Pivot ½ R</strong> 2&3 Rock L to side (2), Replace onto R (&), Close L next to R (3) &4& Rock R to side (&), Replace onto L (4), Close R next to L (&) 5 6 7 Step L forward (5), Turn ½ R @12:00 sitting back onto L hip (6), Step onto R (7) 8& Step L forward (8), Turn ½ R @6:00 changing weight to R (&)