<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lars Kuif (NL)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Janvier 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Jackson - Hillbilly Deluxe <strong>Info : Starts after 24 counts</strong> <strong>No tags, no restarts</strong> <strong>[1 – 8] Full Rolling Shuffle Turn R, L Cross Rock</strong> 1&2 ¼ R stepping R fwd. (1), step L next to R (&), step R fwd. (2) [03.00] 3&4 ¼ R stepping L to side (3), step R next to L (&), ¼ R stepping L back (4) [09.00] 5&6 ¼ R stepping R to side (5), step L next to R (&), step R to side (6) [12.00] 7,8 Rock L across R (7), recover to R (8) [12.00] <strong>[9 – 16] ¼ Shuffle Turn L, Full Shuffle Turn L, Rock R</strong> 1&2 Step L to side (1), step R next to L (&), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (2) [09.00] 3&4 ¼ L stepping R to side (3), step L next to R (&), ¼ L stepping R back (4) [03.00] 5&6 ¼ L stepping L to side (5), step R next to L (&), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (6) [09.00] 7,8 Rock R fwd. (7), recover to L (8) [09.00] <strong>[17 – 24] Heel Grind ¼ Turn R, Sailor Step, Cross, Side, Behind-Side-Cross</strong> 1,2 Dig R heel fwd. (1), ¼ R twisting R toes R and step L back+to side (2) [12.00] 3&4 Step R behind L (3), step L to side (&), step R to side (4) 5,6 Step L across R (5), step R to side (6) 7&8 Step L behind R (7), step R to side (&), step L across R (8) <strong>[25 – 32] R Side Rock, Recover With ¼ L, Shuffle Fwd., Full Turn R, Walk, Stomp</strong> 1,2 Rock R to side (1), recover to L with ¼ turn L (2) [09.00] 3&4 Step R fwd. (3), step L next to R (&), step R fwd. (4) 5,6 ½ R stepping L back (5), ½ R stepping R fwd. (6) 7,8 Walk L fwd. (7), stomp R next to L (8) [09.00] <strong>Optional: replace count 8 by jumping on both feet fwd. ending your weight mostly on LF</strong> <strong>Questions: larskuiflinedance@gmail.com</strong> <strong>YouTube: @LarsKuifLineDance</strong> <strong>YouTube: @Learn2LineDance</strong>