<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Guy Dubé (CAN) & Nancy Milot (CAN)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Débutant, Décembre 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Take Me to the Beach - Imagine Dragons <strong>Intro : 16 counts.</strong> <strong>[1-8] CROSS, TOUCH, SHUFFLE FWD, ROCK STEP, RECOVER, CHASSÉ to R in 1/4 TURN R</strong> 1-2 Cross step R over L, point L to left 3&4 Shuffle forward with LRL 5-6 Cross step R over L, step L back 7&8 Chassé to right with RLR in 1/4 turn to right (3 :00) <strong>[9-16] ROCK STEP, RECOVER, COASTER STEP, ROCK STEP, RECOVER, GIANT STEP BACK, STOMP</strong> 1-2 Rock step L forward, recover on R 3&4 Step L back, step R together L, step L forward 5-6 Rock step R forward, recover on L 7-8 Giant step R back, stomp L together R <strong>Restart 1 At the 2nd repetition (3 :00) after the first 16 counts, restart the dance from the beginning (6 :00).</strong> <strong>Restart 2 At the 6th repetition (12 :00) after the first 16 counts, restart the dance from the beginning (3 :00).</strong> <strong>[17-24] TOUCH to R, CROSS TOUCH, TOUCH to R, STEP BACK, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE FWD</strong> 1-2 Point R to right side, cross point R over L 3-4 Point R to right side, step R back 5-6 Rock back on L, recover on R 7&8 Shuffle forward with LRL <strong>[25-32] STEP FWD to R, TOUCH TOGETHER, STEP BACK to L, TOUCH TOGETHER, COASTER STEP, STEP FWD, STOMP UP TOGETHER</strong> 1-2 Step R forward diagonally to right, touch L together R 3-4 Step L back diagonally to left, touch R together L 5&6 Step R back, step L together R, step R forward 7-8 Step L forward, stomp up R together L (without weight) <strong>Tag : After 8 repetitions de la danse (9 :00) add these 4 counts tag :</strong> 1-4 Cross step R over L, point L to left side, Cross step L behind R, point R to rught side <strong>ENJOY AND HAVE FUN !</strong> <strong>GUY & NANCY</strong> <strong>Last Update: 3 Dec 2024</strong>