<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Dan Moon (USA) & Kaylie Moon (USA)<!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Août 2022 <strong>Musique : </strong> Dancin’ In The Country - Tyler Hubbard <strong>- 3 Restarts</strong> <strong>POINT POINT HEEL TRIPLE ROCK</strong> 1,2 - Point L out, Point R out 3, &4 - L heel forward, two claps 5&6 - Triple forward R L R 7,8 - Swaying rock onto L w/ 1/4 turn R , recover onto R (Now facing 3 o’clock) <strong>WEAVE STEP, CROSS & CROSS, ROCK & COASTER</strong> 1&2 - Left behind, step out R, cross L over R 3&4 - Turn around over R (1/2 turn) as you cross R, Step L, cross R over L again (9 o’clock) &5,6 - Step L, Rock R foot across your L, recover onto L 7&8 - Coaster R L R <strong>SAILOR 1/2 TURN, TRIPLE, FULL TURN, TRIPLE</strong> 1, 2&3 - Step forward L, 1/2 over R shoulder as you sailor step R L R (3 o’clock) 4&5 - Triple forward L R L 6 - Step R as you turn around (1/2 turn) 7&8 - Another 1/2 turn as you trip L R L <strong>(&) HEEL & TOUCH, HOP SIDE TO SIDE</strong> &1&2 - Step out R as you 1/4 L, L heel, Weight onto L, touch R (& heel & touch as you turn back to 12 o’clock) &3 - Hop to the R &4 - Hop to the L 5,6 - Step R out as you pivot L (9 o’clock) 7&8 - Triple forward R L R <strong>Restarts:</strong> <strong>- Wall 2 after 16 counts (After the pre-chorus that goes “Yeah, we can two-step”)</strong> <strong>- Wall 4 after 16 counts (After the instrumental at 0:50)</strong> <strong>- Wall 6 after 16 counts (After the pre-chorus that goes “Yeah, we can two-step”)</strong> <strong>Last Update: 21 Aug 2022</strong>