<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Lars Kuif (NL) <!--more--> <strong>Description : </strong> 54 temps, 2 murs, Avancé Facile, Février 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Caledonia - Nathan Carter <strong>Info : Starts after 24 counts</strong> <strong>[1 – 6] Twinkle L, Cross, ¼ Rx2</strong> 1,2,3 LF cross (1), RF to side (2), LF to side (3) 4,5,6 RF cross (4), ¼ R + LF back (5), ¼ R + RF to side (6) [06.00] <strong>[7 – 12] Cross, ¾ Hinge Turn, ¼ L + Side Rock, Cross</strong> 1,2,3 LF cross (1), ¼ L + RF back (2), ½ L + LF fwd. (3) [09.00] 4,5,6 ¼ L rocking RF to side + lift L toes (4), recover to LF (5), RF cross (6) [06.00] <strong>[13 – 18] Side Rock, Cross, 1/8 R, Step Fwd., L Lunge Rock Fwd.</strong> 1,2,3 LF rock to side + lift R toes (1), recover to RF (2), LF cross (3) 4,5,6 1/8 R stepping RF fwd. (4), lunge rock LF fwd. (5), recover to RF (6) [07.30] <strong>[19 – 24] Step Back, Step-Lock-Step back, ½ L, Step Fwd., ½ L</strong> 1,2&3 LF back (1), RF back (2), LF lock across (&), RF back (3) [07.30] 4,5,6 ½ L step LF fwd. (4) [01.30], RF fwd. (5), ½ L changing weight to LF (6) [07.30] <strong>[25 – 30] Step Fwd., Full Turn R, Cross, 1/8 L, Point, Hold</strong> 1,2,3 RF fwd. (1), ½ R LF back [01.30], ½ R RF fwd. (3) [07.30] 4,5,6 LF cross (4), 1/8 L + point R toe to side (5), hold (6) [06.00] <strong>[31 – 36] Behind, Side Rock, Behind, ¼ R Step Fwd., ¼ R Side</strong> 1,2,3 RF behind LF (1), LF rock to side (2), recover to RF (3) [06.00] 4,5,6 LF behind RF (4), ¼ R RF fwd. (5), ¼ R LF to side (6) [12.00] <strong>[37 – 42] Rock Back, Side, Behind-Side-Cross, Hitch</strong> 1,2,3 RF rock back (1), recover to LF (2), RF to side (3) [12.00] 4,5,6 LF behind RF and bend knees (4), RF to side (5), LF across RF and hitch R knee (6) [12.00] <strong>[43 – 48] Twinkle R, 1/8 R Basic Waltz Step Fwd.</strong> 1,2,3 RF cross (1), LF to side (2), RF to side (3) 4,5,6 1/8 R LF fwd. (4), RF next to LF (5), LF next to RF (6) [01.30] <strong>[49 – 54] Back, 5/8 Shuffle Turn L, Twinkle R</strong> 1,2&3 RF back (1), 3/8 L LF fwd. (2), RF next to LF (&), ¼ L LF fwd. (3) [06.00] 4,5,6 RF cross (4), LF to side (5), RF to side (6) [06.00] <strong>Tag at the end of wall 2, facing 12.00</strong> <strong>At the end of wall 2, add:</strong> 1,2,3 LF cross (1), point RF to side (2), hold (3) 4,5,6 RF behind LF (4), point LF to side (5), hold <strong>Restart</strong> <strong>Tag in wall 6</strong> <strong>Dance wall 6 up to count 9 (count 3 of section 2) then add:</strong> 1-6¼ L stepping R to side (1), hold for count 2-6 <strong>While stepping R to side, raise both hands in the air and split them to the sides and down during the whole tag</strong> <strong>Be sure to keep your weight on RF, to start with LF again after the tag.</strong> <strong>Questions: larskuiflinedance@gmail.com</strong> <strong>YouTube: @LarsKuifLineDance</strong> <strong>YouTube: @Learn2LineDance</strong>