<strong>Choregraphie par</strong> : Maria Nix (DE) <strong>Description : </strong> 48 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Janvier 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Black Betty - Tom Jones <strong>S1: R-/L-walk, kick ball step, R- step, ½ pivot to 6 o’clock, R-kick ball step</strong> 1-2 RF step forward (1), LF step forward (2) 3&4 RF kick forward (3), close next to LF (&), LF step on place, weight on LF (4) 5-6 RF step forward (5), ½ turn left facing 6 o’clock (6) 7&8 RF kick forward (7), close net to LF (&), LF step on place, weight on LF (8) <strong>S2: R/L- cross side behind and heel</strong> 1-2 cross RF over LF (1), LF step left (2) 3&4 cross RF behind LF (3), LF step left (&), RF place the heel slightly diagonally to the right (4) 5-6 cross LF over RF (5), RF step right (6) 7&8 cross LF behind RF (7), RF step right (&), LF place the heel slightly diagonally to the left (8) <strong>S3: R-cross shuffle, L-side rock, behind side cross, hip bumps</strong> 1&2 cross RF over LF (1), LF step left slightly behind RF (&), cross RF over LF (2) 3-4 LF step left (3), RF lift slightly and put weight back on RF (4) 5&6 cross LF behind RF (5), RF step right (&), cross LF over RF (6) 7&8 RF step right (7) and swing your hips R (7), L (&), R (8) <strong>S4: R/L-skate skate, diagonal shuffle</strong> 1-2 RF slide diagonally forward to the right (1), LF slide diagonally forward to the left (2) 3&4 RF diagonal step forward (3), close LF behind RF (&), RF diagonal step forward (4) 5-6 LF slide diagonally forward to the left (5), RF slide diagonally forward to the right (6) 7&8 LF diagonal step forward (7), close RF behind LF (&), LF diagonal step forward (8) <strong>S5 R/L step lock back, R-monterey ¼ turn facing 3 o’clock</strong> 1&2 cross RF behind LF (1), cross LF over RF (&), RF step back behind LF (2) 3&4 cross LF behind RF (3), cross RF over LF (&), LF step back behind RF (4) 5-6 place ball of RF to the right (5), LF remains on place, close RF next to LF with ¼ turn to the right facing 3 o’clock 7-8 place ball of LF to the left (7), close LF next to RF (8) <strong>S6 R/L-vaudeville, R/L out stomp out stomp, toe in, heel in, toe in</strong> 1&2 cross RF over LF (1), LF step left (&), RF place the heel slightly diagonally to the right (2) 3&4 cross LF over RF (3), LF step right (&), LF place the heel slightly diagonally to the left (4) 5-6 RF forwards, slightly to the right (5), LF step forward slightly to the left (6) 7&8 RF and LF turn toes inwards (7) turn heels inwards (&), turn toes inwards (8) <strong>Alternative option to S6 - 8 counts apple jacks</strong> <strong>No tags, no re-starts</strong>