Choregraphie par : Norman GIFFORD
Description : 48 temps, 4 murs, 2014
Musique : A Volte la Notte par CASTELLINA – PASI
(Side shuffle-steps, rock-step. side shuffle-steps, rock-step)
1&2 Shuffle steps to the left side (LRL)
3-4 Right rock back; left replace
5&6 Shuffle steps to the right side (RLR)
7-8 Left rock back; right replace
(Toe-heel struts forward, rock-step, triple-step turn ¼ left)
1-2 Left toe touch forward; drop left heel taking weight
3-4 Right touch forward; drop right heel taking weight
5-6 Left rock forward; right replace
7&8 Triple-step turn ¼ left (LRL) [9:00]
(Jive flick forward, jive flick side, triple step, jive flick forward, jive flick side, triple step)
1-2 Right flick forward; right flick side
3&4 Triple steps in place (RLR)
5-6 Left flick forward; left flick side
7&8 Triple steps in place (LRL)
(Monterey turn ½ right, rock back, replace, step together, hold)
1-2 Right toe touch side; swivel turn ½ right bringing right foot next to left [3:00]
3-4 Point left toe to the side; left step together
5-8 Right rock back; left replace; right step together; hold ***
(Sugarfoot steps to the left)
1-2 Left toe touch inward to right instep; swivel body left on ball of right foot stepping left foot to the side (angled left)
3-4 Transfer weight to ball of left foot, swivel body right with right heel touch oblique; swivel body left on ball of left foot crossing right over
5-6 Left toe touch inward to right instep while body angles right; swivel body left on ball of right foot stepping left foot to the side (angled left)
7-8 Transfer weight to ball of left foot, swivel body right with right heel touch oblique; touch right toe inward to left instep bringing body square to LOD
(Sugarfoot steps to the right, heel-swivels R/L, hold)
1-2 Swivel body right on ball of left foot stepping right foot to the side (angled right); transfer weight to ball of right foot, swivel body left with left heel touch oblique
3-4 Swivel body right on ball of right foot crossing left over; right toe touch inward to left instep while body angles left
5 Swivel body right on ball of left foot stepping right foot to the side (angled right)
6-8 Swivel heels right bringing left together; swivel heels center taking weight on right; hold
*** RESTARTS here:-
during wall #3 (facing 9:00),
during wall #8 (facing 12:00),
and during wall #9 (facing 3:00)
(Listen to the music, the first pattern of 8 of each 32 count « Restart » section
begins with the words « Boogy, Boogy »).
*** ENDING: On counts 5-8
(Rock forward, replace, step side turning ¼ right, hold [facing 12:00])
5-8 Right rock forward; left replace; right step side turning ¼ right; hold
Alternate steps in lieu of Sugarfoot steps left and right
(Heel-toe swivels to the left, hold, scissor step, hold)
1-4 Heel-toe swivels to the left (LRL); hold (leave weight on right)
5-8 Left step side; right step back; left crossover; hold
(Heel-toe swivels to the right, hold, rock-step, touch, hold)
1-4 Heel-toe swivels to the right (RLR); hold
5-8 Left rock back; right replace; left toe touch by right; hold
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